Impact Canada | Deep Space Healthcare Challenge

“Impact Canada”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and Impact Canada are running the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge, a competition to develop new diagnostic and detection technologies for remote communities in Canada and crews on deep-space missions.

About the challenge

Canadians living in remote, medically isolated areas – far from hospitals, clinics, and typical points of medical care – grapple with many of the same healthcare challenges that await crews heading to deep-space destinations. In the face of limited supplies and access to help, both of those populations need innovative and sustainable solutions to medical care that increase autonomy.

In collaboration with Impact Canada, the CSA is running the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge, which seeks to create new detection and diagnostic technologies that will help support front-line workers in remote communities in Canada and crews on deep-space missions.

Throughout the three stages of the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge, the CSA will distribute a maximum of $2.85 million to Canadian winners:

  • Stage 1: Teams will submit a concept of a new detection or diagnostic technology. Up to 20 semi-finalists will receive $30,000 and move on to Stage 2.
  • Stage 2: Semi-finalists will develop a proof-of-concept that they will test independently in a lab environment. Up to five finalists will receive $350,000 and move on to Stage 3.
  • Stage 3: Finalists will test their prototypes in a simulated environment with the CSA. The grand prize winner will receive $500,000.

The Deep Space Healthcare Challenge is open to all Canadians, including commercial and non-commercial organizations and individuals incorporated and located in Canada. 

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) created the Health Beyond initiative to leverage our country's expertise in healthcare, medical research and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence. The initiative is designed to identify and develop innovative, relevant, and sustainable solutions to healthcare challenges experienced by astronauts on deep-space missions. The information gathered as part of this initiative will also help Canadians living in remote or isolated locations.

Through this Challenge, participants will design new diagnostic and detection solutions to support frontline health workers in remote communities now, and crews on long-duration space missions in the future. 

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