Immunization Partnership Fund: Increasing confidence, acceptance and uptake of Covid-19 vaccines

“Health Canada”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) invites eligible organizations to submit a letter of intent (LOI) for time-limited projects to increase Canadians' confidence, acceptance and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines.

Projects funded through this program must support one of the following objectives: build capacity of health care providers (HCPs) as vaccinators and vaccination promoters: by ensuring HCPs have the tools, training and evidence-based information they need to promote and counsel individuals on the importance of COVID 19 vaccines and other vaccines. This includes development resources for HCPs and informational products for their patients on vaccine ingredients, vaccine safety and efficacy, descriptions of priority populations and reasons for them; community-based COVID-19 education, promotion and outreach: by enhancing community-based and front-line service capacity to improve demand for and access to COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines. This includes developing or tailoring evidence-based strategies for Canadians, with a particular emphasis on underserved or marginalized populations to improve knowledge about the importance of vaccination, build confidence in vaccines, and addressing barriers to accessing vaccination services; build capacity for evidence-based vaccination communication: by supporting organizations to develop and implement communications and public engagement strategies to foster evidence-based dialogue around vaccines. This includes developing information tools, publications and media briefings intended to increase vaccine confidence.

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