i.d.e.a. Fund - IDEA Fund



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant, Private Grant

Fund Type

The i.d.e.a. Fund was created to support and position local economies in southern Ontario for long-term growth. The goal is to provide high potential businesses with the opportunity to receive non-repayable grant money (seed funding) and business advisory supports to develop new green products, services, processes, and technologies and/or redesign existing products, services, processes, and technologies to reduce their impact on the environment.

If you have specific questions, contact your Regional Innovation Centre or the i.d.e.a. Fund Program Manager

Six Ontario Regional Innovation Centres (RICs) have combined efforts to deliver this targeted initiative to accelerate the growth of up to 240 businesses (120 per cohort) as they support the transition to a green economy, create jobs and future-proof their businesses. The Fund will also support an inclusive recovery, targeting 50% of the companies supported to be led by women and at least 30% by members of other racialized and under-represented groups.

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