ICET - READY– Capacity Building Program

“British Columbia. Island Coastal Economic Trust”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The program provides communities, First Nations, sectoral organizations, non-profits and regional collaboratives located in the ICET region with funding to support economic development and investment readiness. Funding can be used to access expertise or resources which are not available within the organization and to fund activities which are incremental to the organization’s day to day business and activities.

Supports the development of targeted strategies and tools required to attract economic investment and to support regional marketing and collaboration. The program is designed with a “find your fit” formula adapted to community needs as they move along the economic development continuum.

Up to $30,000 in funding is available, up to a maximum of 50% of the eligible project budget. Applications are accepted on an ongoing bas

  • To help communities build a foundation for economic growth and investment through the development of a formal comprehensive, economic development strategy. Funding can be used for eligible activities and processes that are incremental to the organization’s current capacity and activities, and that will provide lasting benefits to the community and/or region.

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