ICET - DIVERSIFY – Capital and Innovation Program
“British Columbia. Island Coastal Economic Trust”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The DIVERSIFY Capital & Innovation Program supports the development of a wide range of projects in targeted sectors, with non-repayable matching funding contributions up to a maximum of $ 300,000. The program enables local governments, Indigenous communities, non-profits and other eligible applicants to develop the infrastructure required to support strategic economic development initiatives. Projects should be consistent with local, regional and provincial strategic priorities or meet unique local or regional needs.
- To support strategic economic diversification investment in the regional economy to spark new and sustainable regional economic growth and jobs. The program also seeks to leverage matching funding and incremental investment.
- All projects must demonstrate incremental economic benefits in the short to medium-term (3-5 yrs). Benefits may include new investment attraction, business, industry or sectoral growth, creation of new employment, new business startup, new visitor or resident attraction, emerging sector development or any other tangible, measurable economic benefits to communities and their residents.