Ian Oliver - Torstar Digital Ventures
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Ian Oliver is Executive Vice President Torstar and President of Community Brands and Operations. Prior to that he was President of Metroland Media 2008 to 2017. Mr. Oliver held the position of Executive Vice President from 2006 until he was appointed president. He also held the position of Publisher and served as Group Publisher of Metroland West and Publisher of the Hamilton Spectator. The Digital Ventures segment was created in the third quarter of 2015 following Torstar's $200 million acquisition of 56% of VerticalScope Holdings Inc. The segment includes digital businesses outside of the traditional newspaper operations.
Digital Ventures includes VerticalScope, a Toronto-based vertically focused digital media company with expertise in programmatic advertising. It has approximately 215 employees and provides services in the North American market through its network of more than 600 user forums and premium content sites offering advertisers access to large audiences in popular verticals including automotive, powersports, outdoors, home and health. VericalScope is a Canadian success story, with a proven track record of growth and profitability over the years.