IAF | Business Development Grant (B.C.’s Agritech Ramp-Up Pilot Program " Ramp-Up " )
“BC Agri-Tech RAMP UP”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Each company participating in the Ramp-Up program, will join one of two cohorts. These cohorts will attend three days of market validation training, with select organizations invited to participate in additional coaching, mentoring, and networking.
Phase One
Market Validation Training
Each cohort will be provided with three full days of market validation training (MVT). Training will take place in Pitt Meadows at the Pitt Meadows Heritage Hall. If you are unable to participate in the in-person MVT, the training can be made available online, although our trainers highly recommend in-person to maximize the experience. These days will be spread out over two-months to allow participants time to complete homework assignments and online sessions. Training and assignments include activities such as:
- Face to face customer meetings following a prescribed script
- Reviewing and revising go-to-market plans to incorporate customer feedback
- Analyzing/understanding/anticipating barriers to scale-up
All participants will be required to complete a go-to-market plan as a final assignment. The go-to-market plan is developed from learning exercises completed by participants at the end of each MVT training session. Following each MVT session there is also homework, to be completed no later than 10 days after the class session, given to each participating company. Compilation of all the completed homework assignments becomes the go-to-market plan for each of the participating companies. The go-to-market plans will be one of the criteria used to evaluate a company’s progression into Phase 2.
Note: only one individual from an organization will be invited to participate in market validation training, generally that individual is the CEO or Founder of the organization.
Phase Two
Mentoring, Coaching & Networking
To graduate from Phase 1, participants must successfully complete all their training, assignments and have a 100% attendance record. The Program Team, comprised of individuals such as, the Ramp-Up trainers, mentors, and the Executive-In-Residence, will evaluate the graduates and invite up to six companies to proceed to Phase 2. The evaluation will be based on company’s Customer Readiness Level (CRL). As each company progresses through the process their CRL will be used as a measurement. Companies that have not advanced through the CRL will not be advanced into the coaching sessions. Those participants declined for further coaching will be advised in writing of the areas they need to strengthen or improve and may be offered an opportunity to join Phase 2 in future cohorts if space becomes available.
The companies entering Phase 2 will be provided specialized mentoring, coaching, and networking opportunities based on individual company needs. The focus of Phase 2 will be on coaching companies to respond to and address the feedback and intelligence they gathered in Phase 1.
Various networking opportunities will be available to participants, depending which cohort they participate in. These could include events such as: Pacific Agriculture Show Innovation Day, demonstration days, pitch events, alumni mingles, and learning luncheons.
Note: Participants planning on applying for the second training session can still sign up for and attend the Pacific Agriculture Show Innovation Day. Attendance at this event is optional for all program participants.