HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund (CAF)
“Health Canada”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
By 2025, projects supported through the HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund will: increase the knowledge of effective evidence-based HIV, hepatitis C or other sexually transmitted infections (STI) prevention measures among key populations and target audiences; strengthen the capacity (skills and abilities) of key populations and target audiences to prevent infections and to improve health outcomes related to STBBI; strengthen the capacity (skills and abilities) of target audiences to provide culturally safe and stigma-free STBBI prevention, testing, treatment and care services.
The HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund seeks to ensure that: community-based efforts reach key populations, including people unaware of their HIV/hepatitis C status, and link them to testing, prevention, treatment and care; communities design and implement evidence-based front-line projects to prevent new and reoccurring infections; high impact interventions are brought to scale so that more people benefit from them; community-based efforts reduce stigma toward populations disproportionately affected by STBBI, including people living with HIV or hepatitis C.