Green Municipal Fund. Study: Brownfield site redevelopment

“Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

This program funds feasibility studies for initiatives that have potential to bring a brownfield site back into economically productive use. You can access brownfield-specific funding if your initiative will be constructed on a remediated brownfield site and it meets the requirements of a study listed in our funding library under energy, transportation, waste or water. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes revitalize their brownfield sites.

  • The targets in our water, waste and energy sector funding products apply to projects built on brownfields, with one exception: new buildings. A new building must reduce design energy consumption by at least 45% compared to the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) 2011. This is different from the net zero target listed in our regular energy sector funding products.

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