Green Municipal Fund. Capital Project: Reduce fossil fuel use in fleets

“Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant, Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

This program offers combined loan and grant funding for capital projects that reduce or avoid fossil fuel use in any vehicle that delivers municipal services. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes undertake environmental sustainability projects that reduce energy consumption/greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improve their air quality.

  • To support activities, such as purchasing properly sized municipal vehicles for various uses (e.g.,fleet optimization); alternative fueling infrastructure for vehicles providing municipal services (e.g., fast charging stations); sustainable autonomous vehicle use for private or municipally owned vehicles; fuel switching, alternative fuels (e.g., electric/hydrogen, biogas) and technologies to reduce fuel consumption (e.g., drive trains); intelligent transportation systems that reduce fuel consumption and promote transit use (e.g., transit signal priority, real-time travel information).

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