Green Industrial Facilities and Manufacturing Program | Track 2: Industrial Facility track

“Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Under both Track 1 and Track 2, eligible projects include those that support the implementation of energy efficiency and energy management solutions. These activities are intended for industrial facilities that are engaged in energy consuming processes that involve the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products.

For Track 1: Energy Efficiency Solutions, eligible recipients will include provincial and territorial governments and their departments and agencies; utilities; and other organizations such as not-for-profit organizations, Indigenous organizations, training institutes and industry associations that have significant capacity, experience, and well-established industrial networks at a regional or a pan-Canadian level. The maximum amount of NRCan funding that can be requested under Track 1 is $20M per proposal. 

Under Track 2: Industrial Facility track, eligible recipients will be Canadian facilities in any industrial sector that are engaged in energy consuming processes that involve the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products, as described above, regardless of the size of the facilities.  The maximum amount of NRCan funding that can be requested under Track 2 will be detailed at the time of its launch in Spring 2023.

Track 2: Industrial Facility track For all industrial sectors and facility sizes, with a focus on filling gaps in reach and coverage across regions, sectors and activities. The Industrial Facility track provides direct-to-industry support to help implement energy efficiency and energy management solutions within their respective facilities.

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