Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit

“Manitoba. Finance”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Tax Credit

Fund Type

This refundable tax credit promotes the production and purchase of machinery and equipment used to generate renewable energy in Manitoba. The Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit will be expanded to include biomass fuel energy equipment that is installed in Manitoba and used in a business. The tax credit rate will be 15%.

  • Property owners who install a geothermal heat pump system in Manitoba can receive tax credits from the Manitoba government as follows: a 7.5% tax credit – 5% for installations before April 13, 2011 – on geothermal heat pumps that are manufactured in Manitoba for use in Manitoba, plus a 15% tax credit – 10% for installations before April 13, 2011 – on the remainder of the capital costs of the geothermal system (excluding the heat pump) if the installer is certified by the Manitoba Geothermal Energy Alliance, Inc. (see
  • The Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit is extended to solar thermal energy systems purchased for use in Manitoba starting in 2009. Purchasers who install specified solar heating equipment in Manitoba qualify for a refundable 10% Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit on the eligible capital costs. Capital costs include invoiced costs of the solar heating system, as well as taxes – Manitoba sales tax, federal Goods and Services Tax, excise and customs taxes – and other costs related to acquiring and making the system operational – such as insurance, freight, installation and design. The costs must be incurred and paid. Any other government assistance received for purchasing or installing the system reduce the amount claimable under the tax credit. Borrowing costs are not eligible.

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