Good Cents Loan

“Merchant Advance Capital”


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Maximum Eligible Amount


Fund Type

Our Good Cents Loan program specifically funds improvements to businesses that will positively impact the community or environment around them. Many businesses want to be more sustainable or socially responsible. We’re a lender that sees the value in that. Loans for good!

  • Here are some great reasons to take out a Good Cents Loan. If you’re a restaurants, you might want to cut energy use by 30% by replacing equipment with more energy-efficient models; auto repair shop, you might like to cover costs of financial literacy classes for employees; plant nursery or florist, and you’re thinking about installing solar panels on your greenhouse; hair salon, and you’d like to reduce your environmental footprint through changing products and vendors; cleaning service, and you were thinking about upgrading your fleet of vans – maybe you’d like to buy hybrid vehicles instead; retail store, and you’re pursuing a social impact certification, such as organic, fair trade or B Corporation and you need a loan to cover the application costs; franchise, and planning to renovate your business to be more physically accessible to employees or customers with unique needs.

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