General call for projects from the Permanent Commission for Franco-Quebec Cooperation (CPCFQ)


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

This call for projects aims to bring about Franco-Quebec partnerships, whose teams work together on projects on common priority themes with a strong potential for mutually beneficial tangible spinoffs, in addition to promoting France and Quebec.

Targeted themes

This call for projects targets the following topics:

  • Economy and digital (including the social and solidarity economy)
  • Ecological transition and environment
  • Culture and cultural and creative industries (co-production, co-creation, co-publishing and exchange of expertise projects)
  • Education and sport (including dissemination of knowledge and popularization of science)
  • Health and solidarity (in particular, the improvement of the services offered, particularly to the elderly, the aging of the population, preventive approaches and resilience in health systems and technological and organizational innovations)
  • Justice and security

Three cross-cutting themes are also prioritized: innovation, youth, and equality between women and men.

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