Forestry Innovation Rebate Program

“Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Forestry Innovation Rebate Program supports Nova Scotia businesses in the forest sector looking to increase their competitiveness. The program provides financial incentives on projects that enable a company to increase innovation capacity through private-sector capital investments or adoption of new technologies and business processes.

The Forestry Innovation Rebate Program (FIRP) is intended to incent high-value investment in companies within the Nova Scotia forest sector, with the goal of growing, optimizing, diversifying, and increasing their competitiveness in global markets. Projects should align with the recommendations in the 2018 report “Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia” and support the evolution of the forest sector as it adjusts to ongoing structural changes. The program will assist existing Nova Scotian companies and inbound Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) firms.

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