Fonds de recherche du Québec | Scientist in Residence – Climate Change Advisory Committee Stream

“Fonds de recherche du Québec”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Committee and the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) are also working together to administer a funding program for scientific advice in the field of climate change. The program is exclusively intended for a person holding a doctorate.

The Fonds de recherche du Québec and the Advisory Committee on Climate Change in Quebec (hereinafter the "Committee" or "the partner") are joining forces to strengthen the capacity for innovation and scientific advice in Quebec by offering a person with a doctorate to explore new career prospects outside academia and to give a different orientation to their research skills by becoming directly involved in a public body.

The Climate Change Advisory Committee

Quebec is facing significant global warming and is committed to decarbonizing in less than three decades. In this context, the Committee's mission is to advise the Minister responsible for the fight against climate change, at the latter's request or on his own initiative, on the orientations, programs, policies and strategies for the fight against climate change. against climate change, taking into account the evolution of scientific and technological knowledge as well as scientific consensus in this area ( Web page ). This advisory role falls within a context in which the Minister coordinates all government action in the fight against climate change. The Committee is a permanent independent body.

The FRQ and its Major Societal Challenges Department

The FRQ's mission is to support a diverse, creative and agile succession of researchers in order to actively contribute to the well-being of Quebec society. The Major Societal Challenges Department (DGDS) stimulates intersectoral research, providing solutions, based on the co-construction of knowledge and practices, as well as on the link between science and society.

It is within this framework that the FRQ have set up the Scientist in Residence program (equivalent to a postdoctoral fellowship) to promote the diversification of career prospects for the next generation of researchers.

2.1 Objectives of the Scientist-in-Residence program in relation to the development of scientific advisory skills:

  • Promote a public body's access to human resources in targeted areas of expertise;
  • Allow the next generation of researchers to develop their transversal skills in a non-academic environment, to diversify the application of their scientific knowledge and to increase their impact;
  • Enable the next generation of researchers to discover the public administration environment;
  • Support agility and collaborations between the scientific and public administration spheres so that they can jointly face the complexity of constantly emerging societal challenges;
  • Promote the role of the scientific council in decision-making within public bodies in Quebec.

2.2 Objectives of the Committee related to the proposed residency

In order to address more effectively one of the major issues of our time, the fight against climate change, the Committee would like to welcome a scientist in residence who will contribute to its work and its reflections and who will be actively involved in them.

Under the responsibility of the Chairman of the Committee, Professor Alain Webster of the School of Management of the University of Sherbrooke, and in close collaboration with the team of the Secretariat of the Committee, composed of four professional resources, the scientist in residence will mainly, and not exclusively, have the following mandates:

  • Identify and analyze policies, action plans and other structuring documents, in Quebec, Canada and internationally, in the fight against climate change, concerning one or more of the Committee's priority themes listed below After;
  • Contribute to the drafting of Committee opinions;
  • Contribute to the animation of exchange activities with stakeholders;
  • Contribute to strengthening the expertise of the Committee on the transfer of scientific knowledge in the development of public policies in Quebec.

For this first edition (2023-2024), the priority themes are:

  • Improvement or development of adaptation strategies in Quebec;
  • Improvement or development of new mitigation measures in various emission sectors in Quebec;
  • The development of renewable energies and energy sobriety in a context of decarbonization;
  • Just transition and equity in the fight against climate change in Quebec;
  • Indigenous issues and perspectives;
  • Citizen mobilization;
  • Enhancement of the role of cities;
  • Quebec's action in the fight against climate change from an international perspective.

2.3 Deliverables

2.3.1 Deliverables expected by the Committee

As part of his or her mandate, the scientist in residence will mainly, and not exclusively, produce analysis reports and summaries concerning one or more of the priority themes described in section 2.2. The Committee may request other deliverables to meet their needs following a discussion at the start of the residency.

2.3.2 Deliverable expected by the FRQ

A residency report, of a maximum of five pages, in which the scientist in residence can comment on the objectives of his or her residency and explain the work carried out, will be required from the FRQ. This deliverable will also be sent to the Committee.

2.4 Expertise and profiles sought

The Committee encourages scientists with various profiles to apply, whether they have a degree related to one or more of the issues described in the terms of reference, or a relevant combination of studies and/or professional experience relating to the themes of the mandate.

In addition to their scientific expertise, the candidate must have advanced skills in analysis, writing, synthesis and popularization to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and the formulation of recommendations for the Minister.

Finally, the candidate is expected to be versatile and to demonstrate autonomy, a spirit of initiative, flexibility, a high sense of ethics and rigor in his work, as well as a high capacity for adaptation and collaboration.

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