Fishers Low Interest Loan Program

“Prince Edward Island. Finance”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

The Fishers Low Interest Loan Program began in 2007 and has been reopened as of August 13, 2013. The purpose of the program is to assist Prince Edward Island fishers experiencing financial difficulties due to rising costs, low landings in some areas and market conditions that have resulted in low shore prices for lobsters. The Fishers Low Interest Loan Program is a joint initiative of the Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development, and Finance PEI. Loans under the program will be administered by Finance PEI. Eligible applicants will be provided loans at a 4 per cent interest rate for the first 7 year term of the loans.

  • The purpose of the loan is to assist Prince Edward Island fishers experiencing financial difficulties due to rising costs, low landings in some areas and market conditions that have resulted in low shore prices for lobsters.

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