Fisheries and Aquaculture Business Wildfire Relief Program

“Nova Scotia”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Government has recently announced measures to help fisheries and aquaculture related businesses impacted by the provincial wildfires in Halifax Regional Municipality and Shelburne County.

About the Program

Government has recently announced measures to help fisheries and aquaculture related businesses impacted by the provincial wildfires in Halifax Regional Municipality and Shelburne County. The Fisheries and Aquaculture Business Wildfire Relief Program (the Program) will provide a one-time grant of $2,500 to eligible businesses that needed to evacuate or were unable to operate for at least 5 days due to the impacts of the wildfires in the Halifax Regional Municipality or Shelburne County in May and June 2023. Fill in the form below to submit your application for this grant. Payment of approved applications should arrive in 2-4 weeks.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible businesses can apply for financial assistance if they meet all the following criteria: 1. Meets one of the following criteria: • are an aquaculture business registered in Nova Scotia to an address in an evacuation zone or were unable to operate for at least 5 days due to the fires and hold a valid Aquaculture lease/licence from the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture; OR • are a fish harvester business registered in Nova Scotia operating out of one of the six harbours in the Shelburne County evacuation zone (i.e., Sandy Point, Lower Jordan Bay, Gunning Cove, Ingomar, Port La Tour, Upper Port La Tour) during the wildfire event or were unable to operate for at least 5 days due to the fires, and fishing under authority of a valid harvesting licence from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans; OR • are a fish buying or processing business registered and licensed in Nova Scotia, which maintain an address in an evacuation zone or were unable to operate for at least 5 days due to the fires, and which hold a valid fish buyer or processor licence from the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. 2. Had business operations directly impacted by the wildfires in the Halifax Regional Municipality or Shelburne County. 3. Has an active CRA Business Number. 4. Is registered with the Registry of Joint Stock Companies (if applicable) as a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, society, social enterprise, not-for-profit, charity in business, or other similar organization. 5. Paid the small business corporate tax rate on income taxes in its most recently completed tax year, if incorporated, and assuming it had taxable income. 6. Yearly gross revenue is not more than $5,000,000. 7. Has not received funding under the Small Business Wildfire Relief Program.

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