First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund | Capacity Funding

“British Columbia. Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund (FNCEBF) promotes increased Aboriginal community participation in the clean energy sector within their asserted traditional territories and treaty areas. The fund has an initial appropriation of $5M. Over time the fund is expected to receive additional revenue from new power projects based on a percentage of land and water rentals.

  • Funding to assist with clean energy project feasibility studies, community energy planning or engaging with project proponents. Funding will be provided to enable an applicant to engage with project proponents, including undertaking financial analysis of potential projects prior to taking equity positions in a Project and reviewing development potential within their territories.
  • Funding to support a financially viable and resourced clean energy project with an Energy Purchase Agreement.
  • The Province sets up revenue sharing agreements with First Nations where there are provincial water and/or land rentals from clean energy projects that impact their territory.

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