Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The general objective of the 2030 Québec Youth Policy (Politics) is to support young people on their journey towards autonomy, in a context of demographic changes, so that they fully contribute to shaping the Québec of today and of tomorrow.
The Financial Assistance Program for Youth Infrastructure supports the improvement of infrastructure for young people aged 15 to 291, throughout Quebec, in conjunction with other government programs.
The 2022-2023 call for projects is part of the economic recovery, with construction, development, renovation, upgrading, expansion and redevelopment projects intended mainly for young people aged 15 to 291.
The call for projects takes place in two stages. A simpler filing of intent allows pre-selection of projects based on pre-established prioritization criteria. About thirty organizations will then be invited to submit an official request.
The following sections are intended as a summary of the Program standards. Consult the Applicant's Guide to the 2022-2023 Youth Infrastructure Financial Assistance Program for more details.
Program Objectives
By granting financial assistance for construction, development, renovation, upgrading, expansion and redevelopment projects, the Program aims to:
- improve the state of infrastructure for young people;
- increase access to these infrastructures for target audiences1 politics.