Financial assistance program for off-road vehicles – Infrastructure and wildlife protection (PAVHR) | Component 2 : Protection of wildlife and wildlife habitats.
“Québec. Transports”
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Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Financial Assistance Program for Off-Road Vehicles – Infrastructures and Wildlife Protection aims to strengthen safety in the practice of off-road vehicles (ORVs), the sustainability of ORV trails and respect for wildlife and wildlife habitats during of this practice. It is in effect until March 31, 2022.
Component II aims to support the carrying out of work on ORV trails or off-trail crossing areas as well as the production of awareness material and the holding of activities relating to the protection of wildlife and wildlife habitats directly related to the practice of ORVs, all with the aim of achieving one or more of the following objectives:
- planning trails that are more respectful of wildlife and wildlife habitats, among other things, by acquiring knowledge, relocating trails and assessing the effects on wildlife and wildlife habitats;
- improve or relocate OHV trails or off-trail crossings and their infrastructure to better protect wildlife and wildlife habitats;
- make ORV users aware of the preservation of wildlife habitats in general and, more specifically, of the preservation of threatened or vulnerable wildlife species designated under the Regulation respecting threatened or vulnerable wildlife species and their habitats (CQLR, chapter E-12.01 , r. 2) or likely to be so designated.