Financial assistance program for off-road vehicles – Infrastructure and wildlife protection (PAVHR) | Component 1 : Infrastructure and security
“Québec. Transports”
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Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Financial Assistance Program for Off-Road Vehicles – Infrastructures and Wildlife Protection aims to strengthen safety in the practice of off-road vehicles (ORVs), the sustainability of ORV trails and respect for wildlife and wildlife habitats during of this practice.
Component I aims to support the carrying out of studies, plans and specifications, work on OHV trails or off-trail crossing areas, the holding of events, the preparation of awareness materials and training focused on safety in ORV, coordination of ORV projects as well as the acquisition of equipment, all with the aim of achieving one or more of the following objectives:
- reinforce the safe practice of ORVs;
- sustain the network of trails;
- reduce neighborhood inconveniences related to the practice of ORVs;
- repair damage caused to trails by bad weather, exceptional situations or frequent use of ORVs;
- improve on-trail and off-trail surveillance and assess the effects on ORV users;
- improve the safety of ORV trails and trail surroundings to better protect users and reduce the number of fatal accidents;
- educate users about security.