Finalta Capital Loans

“Finalta Capital”


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Maximum Eligible Amount


Fund Type

FINALTA CAPITAL issues 25% of your annual loan on the first day of each quarter in anticipation of budgeted expenditures, which is three to six months earlier than other financial institutions — and at an institutional rate adjusted to the level of risk and loan amount, with no hidden fees and no reserve.

  • A streamlined process normally allows your loan to come through in 15 days; annual renewals take about the same time. This lets you focus your energies on the finish line rather than the route you take to get there.
  • Pre-financing expenditures on your tax credit loan generate about 50% more cash.
  • A streamlined approach delivers loans in as little as 15 business days. Pay a single, all-inclusive, institutional-level interest rate — with no fees.

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