Feral Wild Boar Control Program

“Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Saskatchewan producers and landowners can access support for controlling feral wild boar. SCIC has assumed administration of the Feral Wild Boar Control Program, which was previously administered by the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM). The Feral Wild Boar Control Program will operate as part of the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.

  • The program provides a way for landowners and rural municipalities (RMs) to have wild boars removed, which pose a threat to the environment, farm operations and to other livestock. SCIC will help coordinate qualified hunters and trappers with RMs and landowners to investigate sightings and take appropriate action to deal with feral wild boar.
  • When a wild boar sighting occurs, the individual should contact their local Crop Insurance office as soon as possible. SCIC will review the information and determine the next step for responding to the wild boar sighting. There are teams established in the province, made up of experienced hunters and trappers, who have a response protocol in place to act on the complaint. A hunt is conducted, when it has been determined control measures are needed. These hunts have been successful in removing feral wild boar throughout the province.
  • Along with coordinating removal of problem wild boar, SCIC can provide compensation for any crop or livestock damage caused by the pest. 

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