Feeder Cattle Loan Guarantee Program

“Ontario. Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

The Feeder Cattle Loan Guarantee Program (FCLGP) supports beef cattle farmers by facilitating access to competitive, short-term, low-interest borrowing through Feeder Cattle Co-operatives.

Update - 2.23.2022 | Effective immediately, loan limits for the Feeder Cattle Loan Guarantee Program are increasing from $500,000 to $1 million for experienced individual co-op members and up to $1.5 million for experienced corporations that participate in feeder cattle co-operatives.

  • These Feeder Cattle Co-operatives are located throughout the province; where qualifying members can borrow up to $500,000 for the purpose of obtaining feeder cattle.

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