Feeder Association Loan Guarantee Program
“Alberta. Agriculture and Rural Development”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Repayable Contribution
Fund Type
Local feeder associations are formed under the Co-operatives Act and Regulations. Once a feeder association has been created, it must comply with the Feeder Associations Guarantee Act ("Act") and Regulation. The Act authorizes the Minister of Finance to give guarantees to the financial institutions that lend to the local feeder associations. An Order in Council sets out the maximum amount of the total outstanding liability of the Crown under the loan guarantee program (now $ 100 million).
**Update Nov 30 2022 The government provides an overall loan guarantee and this is being increased to $150 million from $100 million
- The program provides farmers with a competitive method of financing cattle for growing and finishing purposes. Financing of 100% of the value of the cattle (less 5% pooled security deposit) is provided.