Farm Debt Mediation Service (FDMS)

“Agriculture and Agri-Food ”


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Fund Type

The Farm Debt Mediation Service offers financial counselling and mediation services to farmers who are having difficulties meeting their financial obligations. It is a free and voluntary service for both producers and for creditor(s). The service helps bring producers and their creditor(s) together with a mediator in a neutral forum to reach a mutually acceptable solution. The service is private and confidential. It is an economical alternative to trying to resolve financial disputes in court.

As soon as we confirm that you are eligible for the Service, a qualified financial consultant will be assigned to work with you throughout the mediation process. Once the financial consultant has helped you develop a recovery plan, a meeting will be arranged with you, your creditor(s) and a mediator. It is the mediator's responsibility to ensure a fair and unbiased mediation process and to remain neutral throughout all discussions

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