Exchanges Canada. Funding for organizations. Youth Forums Canada

“Canadian Heritage”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Youth Forums Canada funds Canadian organizations that provide workshops and conferences that connect youth - generally between the ages of 14 and 25 - who share a passion for Canadian issues, institutions, history, official languages, sports or the arts. Participants meet in a central location and spend time exchanging ideas, learning about Canada and exploring a unique Canadian community.

  • To contribute to increased knowledge and understanding of Canada among Canadian youth, by enabling them to learn first-hand about the history, geography, industry, institutions, cultures, communities, languages ​​and other facets of their country; to help young Canadians connect to one another and create linkages, across the country and between groups, thereby helping to strengthen the fabric of Canadian society; and to develop Canadian identity and a sense of belonging to Canada among youth by enhancing their appreciation of both the diversity and the shared aspects of the Canadian experience.

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