Every Student, Every Day
“Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Every Student, Every Day, an initiative of the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society (“Society”) is pleased to announce $300,000 in funding will be available for student attendance improvement projects in the 2022-23 school year. These funds will support Yukon educators, schools, community organizations and First Nations throughout the territory develop and implement grassroots projects to help improve attendance in Yukon classrooms.
Since its establishment in 2012, the Society with support from the Government of Yukon and community partners has directly supported more than 140 local projects with over $1.2 million raised primarily from Yukon businesses and individual donations. The Society has increased its funding to $250,000 and the Government of Yukon has increased its contribution to $50,000. This funding commitment is the largest ever in anticipation of greater need and demand to help address student attendance challenges.
The application process for project implementation during the 2022-23 school year is now open. Projects to help address student attendance in the territory may be submitted by educators, school administrators, school councils, Yukon First Nations and community groups. The submission deadline is Friday, March 4, 2022.