ESSOR Program - Investment Projects Support Stream

“Québec. Investissement Québec”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant, Repayable Contribution, Equity

Fund Type

The ESSOR program aims to support increased competitiveness and productivity, job creation and sustainable development, and investment projects in Quebec.

The budgetary impact of financial assistance granted can represent a maximum of 15% or 25% of eligible expenses, depending on the nature of the project and the business sector of the company.

The implementation of the project cannot exceed a period of three years. Projects should not have a negative impact on existing businesses; projects must help maintain or create jobs; aid should be complementary to sources of private finance and other routine government programs; an analysis will have to establish the essential character of the aid granted to the project to allow its realization; the financing of each project must include a minimum contribution from private sources equivalent to at least 20% of its total cost.

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