Entrepreneurial Success Grant

“City of Quebec”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Contribution for the structured succession of a first company incorporated by one or more individuals, paid as a personal down payment, from 6 months before the acquisition until 12 months after it, on the positive recommendation of a partner organization d accompaniment. Obligation for the business to obtain a loan of at least $ 15,000 from a financial institution or a public body.

  • Eligible expenses: professional fees, consulting services and studies; pre-start-up, start-up costs and start-up working capital necessary for the implementation of the project; salaries for human resources assigned to the project at an hourly rate equivalent to that paid by the beneficiary according to his salary policy, and this, upon presentation of a resolution of its board of directors indicating the amount allocated to the completion of the project and any supporting documents deemed relevant; purchases or rentals of goods, equipment and assets related to the project; marketing, promotion and advertising costs and activities; general and administrative costs necessary to carry out the project; leasehold improvement, repair, enlargement, renovation or construction work on a building including the acquisition of land or a building.

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