Energy efficiency program - Low-income households support: Supplement low-income households



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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

This program offers supplementary financial assistance to owners of multi-tenant buildings with four or more units, one or more of which are occupied by low-income households, and who are participating in an energy efficiency program. The supplement takes into account the percentage of low-income households renting a unit in the building where the energy efficiency work is being carried out, and is shared between the building owner and the low-income households. The social and community sector, such as housing co-operatives and non-profit organizations that help low-income customers, is also eligible.

  • This program offers supplementary financial assistance to owners of multi-teant buildings with four or more units, one or more occupied by low-income households. The supplement is determined according to the energy efficiency program in which the owner is participating. The supplementary financial assistance is then shared between the building owner and the low-income households renting a unit in the building where the energy efficiency work is being carried out.

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