Energy advisor recruitment, training and mentorship

“Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The energy advisor recruitment, training and mentorship campaign will provide a total of $10 million in funding over 5 years to support innovative projects. We are looking for new ideas and experienced partners to: support increased demand for EnerGuide evaluations in all regions of Canada; increase the diversity of the energy advisor workforce.

This initiative is an opportunity to increase the diversity and representation of the existing energy advisor workforce and help support job creation in the growing green economy, particularly for Indigenous peoples. To support this goal, we have set a target of allocating at least 10% of total funding for this initiative towards Indigenous governments or organizations (e.g., band councils, land claim organizations). This also includes a focus on projects for: Underserved areas: the North (north of the 60o parallel), the Prairies and Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as rural, remote and Indigenous communities more broadly. Under-represented groups: women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, racialized individuals and individuals who identify as LGBTQ+.

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