Enabling Agricultural Research and Innovation. Innovative Research and Development (NB)

“New Brunswick. Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Applicants are eligible for funding assistance for approved activities intended to encourage the growth, profitability, sustainability and self-sufficiency of New Brunswick’s agriculture, agri-food, agri-product, agri-science and agri-processing sectors through innovative research and development projects; on-farm demonstration trials; pre-commercialization development activities; on-farm innovation; and adoption of new technologies that have a regional or local impact.

  • To provide financial assistance to support short to medium term (1-5 years) innovative research and development projects which can improve profitability, competitiveness, sustainability and self-sufficiency of the agriculture, agri-food, agriproduct and agri-science sectors in New Brunswick.

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