Emotive Community Outreach Incentive Program (COIP) | Funding for electric vehicle outreach projects

“British Columbia. CleanBC”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Emotive is a British Columbia wide outreach and awareness campaign that encourages the accelerated adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in B.C. Emotive acts as a collaborative campaign with many implementation partners interested in EV education and outreach in communities across the province.

Funding for the COIP is provided by the Province of B.C.’s CleanBC Go Electric Program, and is administered by Plug In BC (a program of the Fraser Basin Council Society). Additional information on the CleanBC Go Electric Program is available in the program guide (Appendix A – Background).

The Province is providing $118,000 through COIP under a partnership with the Emotive outreach and awareness campaign to support B.C. communities,

Funded by the Province of British Columbia, the Emotive Community Outreach Incentive Program (COIP) offers support and funding to B.C. communities, organizations, and local governments to assist them in delivering local/regional Emotive EV awareness campaigns. The intent of the COIP is to empower communities to deliver locally appropriate Emotive campaign activities that raise the awareness and profile of EVs in B.C.

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