Education and training initiatives for criminal justice system professionals
“Justice ”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The objective of this theme is to fund provincial, territorial and national level targeted projects that will increase knowledge and understanding of criminal justice professionals regarding the root causes of Indigenous overrepresentation in the criminal justice system and community-led options for addressing crime, including Indigenous and restorative justice programs.
Funded projects must: develop, adapt, update and/or disseminate/deliver educational and training resources for justice professionals such as police, Crown, defence counsel, legal aid lawyers, judges, and probation officers and other legal professionals, including those working at the bail stage. Training and educational materials should provide information on: the impacts of colonization, including residential schools and involvement in the child welfare system, on Indigenous overrepresentation in the criminal justice system; the barriers and challenges Indigenous people face in interacting with the criminal justice system (such as systemic discrimination, racism, lack of legal representation, mistrust of the system, lack of safe transportation in remote and isolated communities, language barriers, poverty, and housing instability); and how to adapt criminal justice system responses and practices given systemic barriers, for example through partnerships with Indigenous-led community-based justice options.