Economic Development Project Support Program (PAPDE) | Component 3 – Projects by organizations for the promotion of foreign trade or prospecting for foreign investment

“Québec. Ministère de l’Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Support Program for Economic Development Projects – Projects by Organizations for the Promotion of Foreign Trade or Foreign Investment Prospecting (PAPDE, component 3) aims to support the projects of economic development organizations through raising awareness among businesses. concerning exports and diversification in foreign markets.


This measure aims to:

  • to consolidate the presence of companies in markets where they already have sales to their credit by strengthening their ability to market their products or services internationally;
  • to increase the business volume of companies in markets where they have no sales to their credit by strengthening their ability to market their products or services internationally;
  • increase foreign investment in the regions of Quebec by strengthening the capacities of investment prospecting agencies (API).

Selection process

Any request for financial assistance submitted by an eligible organization will be analyzed according to the following criteria:

  • the consistency between the project, the objectives of the program component concerned and the government's export and economic development priorities;
  • the relevance of the project to the needs of Quebec industry and its businesses;
  • the organization's ability to carry out the project successfully in terms of financial and human resources;
  • the potential benefits of the project for the industry or targeted businesses;
  • the quality of the documentation provided;
  • demonstration by the project proponent of the adoption and implementation of environmentally responsible practices;
  • in the case of a collaborative project involving more than one regional export promotion organization (ORPEX), the innovative nature for businesses, the offer of synergies and interregional expertise.

Aid granted

Financial assistance takes the form of a non-refundable grant.

The maximum assistance rate is 50% of eligible expenses.

Cumulative government assistance may not exceed 80% of eligible expenditures for export agency projects and may reach 100% of eligible expenditures for foreign investment attraction agency projects.

The maximum amounts of financial assistance are as follows:

  • export agency projects: $500,000 per agency, per year, and $1,000,000 per year for all collaborative projects;
  • foreign investment attraction organization projects: $500,000 per organization, per year.


If you qualify for financial assistance, you will need to provide:

  • supporting documents certifying that the activities have been carried out in accordance with what was foreseen in the grant agreement;
  • supporting documents corresponding to the sums incurred by the organization concerning the expenses for which the amounts of financial assistance have been established on the basis of eligible costs.

These supporting documents may take the form of:

  • a report presenting the activities carried out and produced at the end of each fiscal year, to the satisfaction of the Minister and according to the template provided by the latter;
  • a report from an external auditor confirming the accuracy of financial transactions;
  • annexes specified in the grant agreement, including a claim report of the expenses paid for the realization of the projects and the sources of financing;
  • any other document required and specified in the grant agreement.


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