Economic Development Initiative (EDI)
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant, Repayable Contribution
Fund Type
The EDI is a Government of Canada initiative that is part of the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages (2013-2018) announced in March 2013 – an unprecedented investment in the protection, promotion, and celebration of both official languages. In Northern Ontario, FedNor received $4 million over five years through the EDI to support business and economic development activities that develop new expertise in innovation, economic diversification and business growth in Northern Ontario's Francophone communities (the official language minority community) and capitalize on economic opportunities made possible through linguistic duality.
- The initiative is intended to enhance the economic vitality of Northern Ontario's official language minority communities (OLMC) – the Francophone community - and enhance the region’s competitiveness through linguistic duality, by supporting projects that develop enterprises and communities.
- To support economic development activities and approaches that respond directly to related priorities of OLMCs and/or that address linguistic duality issues.