Digital Manitoba Initiative - TECHUP

“Manitoba. Manitoba Chambers of Commerce”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

To stay competitive, businesses must invest in their digital assets, upgrade their outdated or inefficient systems and adapt their strategies for everything from marketing to supply chain, to customer experience. Digital adaptation can feel like a threat, but it also represents a huge opportunity. Now businesses can not only meet, but personalize, predict, and even influence the needs of their customers, creating more valuable interactions, and in turn, more meaningful relationships. And when local business thrives, the entire province benefits!

TechUP is designed to help you regain and maintain your competitive edge in the digital economy with investments of up to $ 5,000 towards the development of your digital assets. So, if there is a new technology, data-enabled system or digital service that you know would enhance your business's ability to meet the needs of customers, reduce operational inefficiencies or otherwise maximize your business's profitability that fits this budget, you are invited to apply for TechUP.

TechUP grants can be used to create new digital assets, upgrade outdated technology, or to enhance your digital literacy through courses or training programs. Funds can also be used to subsidize new costs of products or subscription services that boost your team's productivity, collect and analyze user data or optimize current operations and processes. You must provide all relevant documents including but not limited to receipts, estimates, quotes or other means of verification to validate your funding request.

The TechUP program provides grants of up to $ 5,000 for digital-focused projects that can be implemented within 30 days of approval. These funds can be used to create new digital assets or develop your understanding of how to make the most of them. Digital assets can include digital or data-based platforms, products and services that effectively and efficiently add value to the lives of your customers by meeting their needs, solving their problems or filling market gaps. Funds can also be used to invest in tools that boost your team's productivity, collect and analyze data or optimize current operations and processes.

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