Department of National Defence Indigenous Reconciliation Program | Engagement and Collaboration Grants
“Department of National Defence”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Do you have an idea to improve how the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces work towards reconciliation with Indigenous communities? The Indigenous Reconciliation Program provides funding for work that helps build and maintain relationships between Indigenous communities and the Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF).
Engagement and Collaboration Grants
You can request Engagement and Collaboration Grants to support costs associated with targeted or occasional events that encourage dialogue between Indigenous communities and military establishments and/or Defence programs.
You may request up to $50,000 to:
- host or participate in workshops, conferences, roundtables, town halls, and informal discussions
- conduct cultural activities and ceremonies
- create community outreach events
- support or participate in established, ongoing events, workshops, and meetings
- other relationship-building activities
Proposals involving costs exceeding $50,000 per year or that span more than one fiscal year will only be eligible for consideration under the Contributions streams below.