Department of National Defence Indigenous Reconciliation Program | Contribution funding
“Department of National Defence”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Do you have an idea to improve how the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces work towards reconciliation with Indigenous communities? The Indigenous Reconciliation Program provides funding for work that helps build and maintain relationships between Indigenous communities and the Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF).
Contribution funding
You can request annual or multi-year contribution funding (not to exceed 3 years and ending before March 31, 2027) for:
Research Support Contributions
You can request Research Support Contributions to support costs of various research activities or events intended to encourage participation and collaboration between Indigenous communities and/or organizations and military establishments and/or Defence programs. These research activities or events can pertain to or include specific departmental projects, activities, military exercises, infrastructure projects, real property transactions, research related to departmental policy, decision making, activities, projects or events to:
- share views and knowledge in support of Indigenous academics, researchers and students researching defence issues or that advance reconciliation
- support the publication process for Indigenous-led research, support heritage and archeological research, and other research support activities that serve the department’s interests in advancing reconciliation