Data Visualization and Predictive Analytics Dashboard
“Can Health Network”
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Maximum Eligible Amount
Private Grant
Fund Type
Trillium Health Partners' (THP) Insight Health Solutions team is seeking a solution to extract and visualize real-time clinical operational data from various sources, to enhance clinical operational decision-making and forecasting efforts.
The proposed solution must: extract and compile clinical operational data (ie referrals, consults and assessments, treatment visits, revenues generated and billed, clinical capacity and utilization, queue for treatment, etc.) from multiple data sources such as EPIC, Momentum, and Microsoft Office Suite products (primarily Excel) via FHIR, HL & or other. Must demonstrate 100% accuracy between original source and extracted data; enable visualization of operational and patient data in real-time in order to provide a clear understanding of a patient's journey; 100% staff satisfaction (ie clinical coordinators, managers, directors); increased overall operational efficiency as it relates to the overall process and time required to extract data and making better informed clinical operational decisions; adaptability / manipulation of data within the dashboard (ie generate customizable reports). At minimum, exports to Excel, Word, PDF, CSV. Customized access and viewing rights within the Dashboard, as per staff title and role.