Curatorial Projects: Indigenous and Culturally Diverse

“Ontario. Ontario Arts Council”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The program funds the work of Ontario-based Indigenous curators and curators who are people of color. It aims to increase the ability of Ontario public galleries, artist-run centers and other organizations to present projects by Indigenous curators and curators who are people of color in contexts determined by the participants. The program supports relationship building between curators, galleries, and audiences.

  • To fund visual, media arts and craft exhibitions presented in Ontario; and related publications, arts education or outreach activities; opportunities for Indigenous curators and curators who are people of color to work with mentors to develop capacity such as research, writing, design, administration, networking and documentation, if they choose; inclusion of international or non-Ontario artists or mentors, if a clear rationale is provided; fees for the curator (maximum $10,000), mentor (maximum $2,000) and artists; publication expenses (maximum $5,000), and exhibition productions costs (maximum $10,000).

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