Crédit Mutuel
“Crédit Mutuel”
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Crédit Mutuel Equity brings together all of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale's private equity activities: Development Capital, Transmission Capital and Innovation Capital. For 40 years, Crédit Mutuel Equity has provided capital support to managers at all stages of their business development - from seed to transmission - by giving them the means and the time necessary to implement their transformation projects. Crédit Mutuel Equity thus brings together more than 350 executives sharing their convictions and questions within a genuine network of entrepreneurs who offer everyone, whatever the nature of their project, the assurance of benefiting from the experience of others. . Crédit Mutuel Equity invests its own capital (3.0 billion euros), which allows it to finance the projects of companies according to time horizons adapted to their development strategy, and this also in France, via its 8 locations regional and internationally (Canada, USA, Germany, Switzerland).