(COVID-19) Ontario Together
“Ontario. Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Procurement, Government Grant
Fund Type
We welcome help from businesses and organizations who can supply emergency products and innovative solutions to support our response to COVID-19. You may also be eligible to receive funding under the Ontario Together Fund if your submission will help you retool or adopt the technological changes needed to produce supplies and equipment for the health care sector or if you are developing solutions for other critical public services. Not all submissions will be considered for funding.
We need your innovation if your business or organization can help communities withstand the pandemic and you have a solution for: virtual mental health services for people who are vulnerable or living in remote communities; supply chain resiliency monitoring; financial planning and advising for small businesses that can be delivered online at low-cost including advice about relief programs and how to apply.
Products needed to help fight coronavirus: masks, sanitization, swabs and testing, gowns and coveralls, gloves, eye protection, reagents and consumables, thermometers, body bags.