(COVID-19) Forest Sector Safety Measures Fund
“Ontario. Natural Resources and Forestry”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Forest Sector Safety Measures Fund (FSSMF) helps small to medium sized companies in the forest and wood products sectors with extra costs associated with implementing COVID-19 safety measures.
The following costs are not eligible for funding under the program: any cost that is not incremental, distinct and directly attributable to the implementation of COVID-19covid 19 health and safety measures; expenses to address usual business or operating practices, expansion or any other non-COVID-19covid 19 related objectives; costs related to lost revenue or production; expenses and costs associated with activities supported under other federal programs, such as the Low Carbon Economy Fund; costs incurred for workers isolating at home in-kind contributions; financing charges, loan and lease interest payments, bank fees and charges, debt restructuring; the refundable or rebateable portion of any expense for which the business receives, or is eligible to receive, a refund or rebate costs incurred preparing an application to the program; costs for which a company has already received funding under other Ontario or federal programs.