(COVID-19) Emergency Assistance Program for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses | Aid to certain businesses in the tourism sector

“Government of Quebec”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

As part of the Aid to certain businesses in the tourism sector of PAUPME, tourist lodges with four or more rooms (for the commercial part) and travel agencies will benefit from the following conditions:

  • possibility of converting 40% of the sums repaid (principal and interest) into loan forgiveness during the first 24 months following the start of repayment, up to a maximum of $ 20,000 per establishment;
  • 12-month moratorium on the repayment of capital and interest. This moratorium can be extended until March 31, 2022;
  • possibility of amortizing the repayment of the loan up to 60 months following the moratorium.

Available financing will vary depending on the company's liquidity needs and is determined on the basis of justified and reasonable expenses.

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