(COVID-19) Broadband Fund for Businesses

“Prince Edward Island. Innovation PEI”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The availability of stable, high‑speed Internet infrastructure is critical for access to essential resources and public services, and to enable economic growth and diversification. The Prince Edward Island Broadband Fund provides financial assistance to local Prince Edward Island internet service providers (ISPs), communities and businesses for the installation of infrastructure for enhanced broadband services. Through this program, partnerships and collaborations are encouraged and support is provided for increased service levels, improved access and consumer choice for connectivity.

  • A project may be eligible for PEIBF support where costs will be incurred for a business to gain access to new or upgraded internet services to their business premises. To support equipment and installation of Mi-Fi units and Wi-Fi Signal Boosters for businesses and the self-employed.

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