(COVID-19) Atlantic Compassion Fund for Charities
“United Way PEI”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
United Way PEI is committed to the most marginalized in our community and recognizes the increased risk and disadvantage that poverty and other barriers create. As such and with the support of the government of PEI, private sector and individuals, we have launched the Atlantic Compassion Fund.
This is in response to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) health pandemic. To reduce the spread and impact of this virus, Government of PEI and the Chief Public Health Office have asked Islanders to make very significant changes, which are creating negative social, financial and emotional impacts for individuals and families. This Fund is meant to support organizations to mitigate and address those negative impacts. Focus - Immediate needs unavailable through other means providing access to: food (outside of food banks); safe transportation; medication; social and mental health supports.