(COVID-19) Airport Critical Infrastructure Program

“Transport Canada”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

With $ 489.6 million available over five years, the Program will help eligible airports mitigate the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as part of the Government of Canada's strategy to ensure that Canada's air transportation system provides Canadians with choice, connectivity and affordable air travel .

To qualify for funding, projects must be for critical infrastructure, including equipment, which contributes to: safety (eg runway and lighting rehabilitation, firefighting equipment); terminal building and infrastructure changes for purposes of operational efficiency (eg relocating screening or border checkpoints, baggage hold areas to create better operating spaces) to enhance security; and mass transit connections at airports (eg light rail transit or bus system stations forming part of a public mass transit system, access points to multi-modal hubs).

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